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[Laneige] 홀리데이 투톤 립 바 #2 Holiday Two Tone Lip bar #2 限量款双色口红 #2
How to use

STEP 1. Lower lip
Make the main color direct the inner side of lip and apply the lip bar 2-3 times.
STEP 2. Upper lip
Likewise, make the main color direct the inner side and apply to lip.
STEP 3. Gradation
Close the lips
STEP 4. Gradation complete
and open the lips! And blur the color borders and make natural gradation. Artist’s attractive gradation lip makeup, high gloss from inner side of the lips and semi matte texture that keeps the outer line of the lips soft, is done!

[Laneige] Holiday Two Tone Lip Bar #2

  • 1. Newer, marbling two tone lip bar

    Experience new lip color with new-concept marbling color featuring the Milkyway in the night sky

    -Main Color: Apply the two-color marbling mix on the inside of the lips
    -Sub Color: Apply on the outer side of the lips for a smooth, contouring volume effect!

    2. Attractive limited holiday edition lip color

    Express more attractive lips with No. 1 Bloody Dress and mystical holiday lip color with No. 2 Mystic Rose

    3. Quick Touch Gradation:  

    Laneige’s unique diagonal cut expresses natural auto gradation as if having been done by makeup artists

    4. Softly adhering, creamy texture

    The creamy texture keeps the lips moisturized as it softly adheres to the lips

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